Donald Trump completely loses his mind over Jake Tapper shutting down his publicity stunt

After Donald Trump was arrested and processed and arraigned in federal court today, he immediately headed to a restaurant for a publicity stunt. But once CNN started airing footage of it, host Jake Tapper told the cameras not to show any more of it. Trump is now erupting about this on social media:


“Fake Tapper just demanded that his broadcast be closed down from Miami because there was far too much enthusiasm on the streets for “Trump.” The good news is, he was the only one to do so, perhaps a good explanation as to why CNN’s ratings are so low!”


The thing is, this isn’t even true. MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace also told her network to cut away from the camera footage of Trump in the coffee shop. Trump always tried to make his feuds about just one person. But at this point too many people are dropping the hammer on him at once for him to even keep up with.

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