Donald Trump has berserk meltdown when he realizes Jack Smith is indicting him for espionage

After the revelation that Jack Smith has Donald Trump discussing a stolen classified document about Iran with outsiders long after leaving office, legal experts agree that Trump is about to get indicted not just for obstruction, but for outright espionage.


Even Trump seems to have figured that out by now. He just posted a berserk meltdown for the ages on social media, insisting that this is “the greatest Witch Hunt of all time” and “Fake News!” And of course Trump used his new idiot phrase, “ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!”


Trump also insists he did “nothing wrong,” and in true Pee Wee Herman fashion, is instead randomly claiming that “they” are the ones who committed the crimes. It’s not clear who “they” are, but Trump is now one step away from yelling “I know you are but what am I?” Enjoy prison, Donald.

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