“Deflated” Donald Trump gets put in his place by judge at arraignment hearing

For all of the media bluster about how it’s “unprecedented” for a former President of the United States to be indicted and arrested, the reality looks very different. The criminal justice system simply does not care that Donald Trump used to be President. It doesn’t mean anything in criminal court.


That was driven home today by reporting from the Daily Beast, which reveals that Donald Trump looked “deflated” when he appeared in court today, and answered the judge’s questions with a whisper. The judge also reportedly warned Trump that if he misbehaved, he’d be thrown out of the courtroom.


The kicker is that the judge kept referring to Donald Trump as “Mr. Trump.” That’s right, not President Trump, or Mr. President, just “Mr. Trump.” That’s there are no special privileges or special recognition for criminal court defendants. There’s just sit down, shut up, and limit your replies to yes your honor and no your honor. We can look forward to more of this.

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