Disney pulls the plug on Ron DeSantis

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has always been a dimwit with zero political savvy who’s in over his head. But now that he’s flopped on the national stage and his 2024 poll numbers have collapsed, DeSantis is making even dumber moves than usual, in an attempt at getting back in the game.


One of those moves has been ramping up his inexplicably stupid and self defeating war with his state’s biggest revenue goldmine, Disney. DeSantis has tried to hit Disney so hard in so many ways, it’s prompted Disney to file suit against him. Now it’s gotten uglier.


Disney just pulled the plug on a billion dollar development in Florida, which will cost the state a ton in terms of revenue, jobs, and growth. In reality Disney is pulling the plug on DeSantis himself, delivering the kind of ugly blow that every political opponent DeSantis ever faces will use against him. DeSantis is finishing himself off even faster than voters can.

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